The national chamber of entrepreneurs


From Crisis to Rejuvenation

- East-Kazakhstan Region
7919 просмотров

The head of state offered effective, evidence-based answers to the challenges and solutions to the set tasks for us

This opinion was expressed by Aliya Mukasheva, Director of the Branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Kokpekty District.

"Today's address of Nursultan Nazarbayev was presented on the eve of a major national holiday - the Day of the First President of the country. It has a logical link, since the name of the President of the country is inextricably linked to momentous socio-economic and political changes taking place in the modern history of our country. The essence and content of the address once again demonstrates the foresight and vision of the President, his ability to offer effective, evidence-based answers to the challenges and solutions to the problems faced by us in the difficult situation created by the global economic crisis", - she said.

In his address on the basis of deep analysis of the economic situation in the country and the international situation, he offered a specific program to address many issues, both of political and socio-economic nature. "The President always thinks outside the box, thinking about the future, he is able to rise above short-term issues, to look at the development of the country from a height accessible only to really talented politicians. Because the outlook of any person is based on the experience and knowledge he receives throughout his life. It is not only academic, professional knowledge, which determine the level of competence, not only the cultural baggage that distinguishes every civilized person. Equally important is the personal attitude to homeland, to the people, to work, devotion to your duty and adherence to universal values ​", - said the head of the district branch of RCE.

The President of the country has given the business class a special place in the new address, urging wealthy Kazakhstanis to participate in the privatization and legalization of their capital.

"The state for 20 years has given a good opportunity for many entrepreneurs to thrive, now it's time for them to respond to the call of the Head of State in raising the prestige and image of the country, improving the well-being of its people. The Leader of the nation offers Kazakhs to seize new opportunities that emerge during the global crisis, positive results can be achieved in such times, people can reveal the hidden potential. He also gave examples of development of Kazakhstan in the early '90s, when the country rose from the ruins. We survived, managed to pass this difficult period. We are able to overcome this time. We, entrepreneurs, have to show our competitiveness and to come out of crisis with rejuvenation. We must work on the final result - the creation of new industries, jobs - that's our main goal of business people of Kokpekty district", - concluded Aliya Mukasheva.

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