The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Made in Kazakhstan: Big business - to support SMEs

- East-Kazakhstan Region
13922 просмотров

At the end of 2015 "Kazzinc" has concluded more than 700 contracts with local producers in the amount of more than 95 billion tenge.

This was stated by the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of EKR Igor Shatsky at a dialogue platform "Made together - in Kazakhstan".

"One of the priority issues of the development of the regional economy is to support domestic producers through promotion of local content in the procurement of state bodies, national companies, subsoil users and backbone enterprises", - says Igor Shatsky.

Accordingly, the partner program between "Kazzinc" and small businesses is implemented in the region in order to introduce a set of measures, including systematic measures to increase local content in procurement, strengthening of the competitiveness of the local private entrepreneurship and creation of favorable conditions for its development.

"Kazzinc" contributes greatly to the development of local content, strengthening the competitiveness of the local private entrepreneurship and creating favorable conditions for its development through the implementation of the Partner Program.

As part of the Partner Program, based on the signed Memorandum on mutual cooperation, was approved and implemented the Action Plan of joint actions between akimat of East Kazakhstan region, "Kazzinc", East Kazakhstan regional branch of "Nur Otan", JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund" Damu" and the Chamber of entrepreneurs of EKR.

It should be noted that the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Sagintayev on February 4, 2016 gave an order to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" together with local authorities to work out a mechanism to create regional committees working in the field of procurement to support national companies.

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