The national chamber of entrepreneurs


For business to feel comfortable

- Almaty Region
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Within the period of 2.5 years the Chamber of Entrepreneurs defended the rights of entrepreneurs in the amount of more than 1.3 billion tenge

RCE of Almaty region has summed up results of activity for the years 2013-2016.

At the regional office of the Communication Service, the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva told reporters the story of creation, main activities and future projects of the organization. "In the 16 districts and 2 cities were set up regional branches of the Chamber of entrepreneurs. The Regional Council was established under the Chamber. A number of committees were created within the Council, namely the Committee on Agriculture, Committee on Tourism Development, Committee on Monitoring of Local Content and promotion of domestic producers, Committee on tariff setting and Manufacturing Industry, Committee on Personnel Policy and Budget Commission. There is also a Council of Business Women", - said the head of the Chamber. In order to ensure transparency and efficiency of the local executive and government bodies, entrepreneurs are included and presented in the 63 consultative and advisory body under the local executive authorities of Almaty region.

Deputy Director of Economic Affairs Aset Shayakhmetov stressed that thanks to the active support of the Chamber of entrepreneurs there were registered 20 agricultural cooperatives of meat and vegetable sectors. 56 farms, 1 individual entrepreneur and 18 individuals have become the participants of these cooperatives. "In addition, in order to ensure sales of products, an agreement was signed on intentions of mutually beneficial cooperation between the retail chains of Almaty, agricultural cooperatives of Almaty region. Since the beginning of 2014 employees of RCE compiled more than 500 business plans for budding and operating entrepreneurs to obtain grants, subsidizing interest rates on loans to banks and leasing of agricultural machinery and technological equipment. Only in 2015 support RCE escorted 155 projects worth more than 2 000 million tenge, of which 50 projects implemented by Regional RCE and 105 projects by business support centers", - said A. Shayahmetov.

Deputy Director of Legal Affairs Kanat Kabdiev told the media about the work done within the line of business defense. Thus, over 2.5 years protected the rights of entrepreneurs in the amount of more than 1 billion 386 million tenge. The most frequently received appeals on public procurement, land and tax relations, monopolies, competition and tariff setting, licensing procedures. During all the time with participation of the Chamber as a third party in disputes with the state authorities in favor of the entrepreneurs were made 24 court rulings, including 20 special rulings of courts. "During the period from 2014 to the present time the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region has identified 50 administrative barriers, including 19 at the national level, 39 at the local level, 33 were eliminated. In the field of examination of normative legal acts. In the first quarter there was considered 35 draft legal acts. Of these, 12 are in respect of observations. In 2015, 186 draft RLAs were submitted to RCE for an expert opinion - PPA, of which 166 were agreed with the comments", - said K. Kabdiev.

Almagul Ongarbaeva, head of the development of human capital, acquainted with the activity of the Chamber in the social direction. "In particular, in 2013 the Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the Board of Education implements the Roadmap of dual training. The "Roadmap of dual training" included 18 colleges with 12 majors in 4 sectors of the economy, 12 qualifications, with the participation of 90 social partners, covering 630 students. 92 contracts were concluded with the social partners", - said A. Ongarbaeva. She also quoted the data of monitoring of companies’ staffing needs in the region. As it turned out, more than 25 thousand people of different occupations are in demand at the market.

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