The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Askar Abubakirov: "Businessmen believe us!"

- City of Shymkent
12329 просмотров

The Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR considers that the trust of businessmen is the main achievement of RCE

Speaking at the briefing, the head of RCE said that since the moment of establishment of the Chamber for the years 2014-2016, it has received nearly 1,000 formal complaints from businesses, 70% of them were resolved in favor of entrepreneurs, that helped businessmen to save more than 1.5 billion tenge.

Askar Abubakirov explained that such a sum they would have to pay in the form of unreasonable taxes, penalties and interest, if they didn’t address to the Chamber. Instead, the money went to the business development, payment of salaries, etc.

"Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrpreneurs is carried out both through direct accompaniment of cases by lawyers of the Chamber, and in close cooperation with prosecutor’s office. In order to respond rapidly to violations of the rights of businesses and to provide effective assistance to business, we launched two projects. These are contact groups with state bodies and subjects of natural monopolies and the project "assistance for business" Both of these projects are aimed primarily at the most prompt consideration of appeals of entrepreneurs and provision of them with effective assistance without spending time on the long procedure of correspondence between the competent authorities", - said the director of the Chamber .

He described the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of SKR as one of the most effective mechanisms of business support. The Council held 14 meetings, at which were considered 43 systemic issues. 26 of them were positively resolved in favor of entrepreneurs, 12 are under construction.

In order to reduce administrative barriers, RCE initiated 140 proposals to the central government authorities to amend the laws and rules, governing the various sectors of business. The analysis conducted by experts of the Chamber showed that the main barriers to business exist in obtaining land use rights and construction of business facilities. Today, with the prosecutor’s office we completed inspection of 14 districts of SKR, where identified more than 3 thousand facts of violations of entrepreneurs' rights in obtaining land use rights in the construction sector. As a result of inspections and monitoring, NCE collected all violations and sent to state bodies specific suggestions for improving the quality of public services.

The results of the work on providing non-financial support to entrepreneurs look as follows. Since 2014 in all 14 areas of the region there are branches as RCE, as from the beginning of 2015 functions of business support centers were  transferred to RCE, which were previously carried out the by JSC "EDF" Damu" in SKR. During the years 2015-2016 about 22,510 consultations were provided to 8577 persons. As a result of escort of projects, 1043 projects were funded worth 5.8 billion tenge through the second-tier banks and microcredit organizations.

"In general, over the past two and a half years of work, the Chamber was able to establish effective mechanisms for provision of the necessary support to entrepreneurs, to protect their rights and legitimate interests. Most important thing - business believes us, they know where to go with problematic issues and are confident that the Chamber will always listen to a problem and help, RCE  became a platform for entrepreneurs of the region, where they can come, raise and resolve their concerns", - concluded Askar Abubakirov.

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