The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Life - debit, credit, outflow, inflow, debts, loans, bankruptcy

- East-Kazakhstan Region
10957 просмотров

Because of the protracted investigation of the allegedly deliberate bankruptcy, the entrepreneur was forced to bear the administrative costs for many years

So, in 2013 the PC "Triad II”, according to the court decision, was declared a bankrupt with the excitation of the bankruptcy proceedings, but bankruptcy proceedings are still not completed.

"Bankruptcy proceedings are not completed due to the fact that the economic investigation authorities of EKR conduct pre-trial investigation into the alleged intentional false bankruptcy, which was repeatedly renewed", - said the head of the PC Galymzhan Mukhashev.

However, it is worth noting that the timing of the pre-trial investigation in accordance with Article 192 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan should be reasonable.

According to the head, they filed for bankruptcy due to debts to creditors, said the debt arose as a result of financial and economic relations, as evidenced by the decisions of SIEC of EKR on recognition of PC "Triad II" as the debtor to the creditors.

"In order to finish the construction of the district hospital in the village Aksuat within a specified time, we started to sell movable and immovable property", - says the head of the PC.

In late 2009, the financial position of the PC "Triad II" has deteriorated sharply due to a significant rise in prices of building materials for the construction of the district hospital in Aksuat settlement, and therefore had to sell equipment and land to complete the construction of the specified object. Due to the fact that the difficult financial situation has developed since 2009 in the country, fell sharply the cost of equipment sold and the land, they were forced to sell it at any price to survive.

Bankruptcy proceedings did not end just because of the fact that the branch of the SRC of EKR held pre-trial investigation, which, in turn, forced to bear an increase in the amounts of the administrative costs.

Thus, being in a critical situation, the PC "Triad II” was forced to appeal to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan region.

This issue has been repeatedly discussed at a public council under the regional Prosecutor’s Office.

As a result, in connection with the decision of Economic Investigation Service of SRC of EKR, pre-trial investigation has been finished.

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