The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The development of tourism has been launched in Zyryanovsk district of EKR

- East-Kazakhstan Region
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Old recreation centers are reconstructed and new ones are built in the picturesque region

Authorities of Zyryanovsk district put higher stakes on tourism development. This industry has to bring high income, given that China residents are allowed now to stay on the territory of our country up to 30 days without a visa. "Many tourists from China want to come to us. They are particularly interested in winter activities. Our task is to create a good environment for them. Every year the number of visitors grows. This year about 35-50 thousand people visit the area of Bukhtarma reservoir weekly. We note a pattern: the better the recreation center is the more visitors it attracts. So now the oldest guest houses are reconstructed", - said the head of the tourism department of Zyryanovsk district Vyacheslav Knyazev.

In addition to repairing the old recreation houses, we build new ones. One of them will be opened in the next season. The highlight of the tourist base "Chalet Labe" is an extraordinary landscape. It is being built on a mountain area that requires a lot of ground work. But the result lives up to expectations: mountain and pond views from the guest house. "There will be 2 hotels, 20 cottages for families of 4-6 people, a swimming pool and a restaurant. What will be the cost of living here, we can say only after the finish of the first objects", - says a foreman Yuri Tkachenko.

Another new recreation center was built in 2013. First Nurmukhan family did not plan to build a business on the organization of leisure. They took a loan to build a summer home for themselves on the shores of the reservoir. Seeing the high demand for rooms, they decided to build three guest houses. Then they took another loan and have expanded the number of rooms. Today their tourist base "Elamanovka" includes 27 two-storied houses. Some of them are rented for the summer to large enterprises of East Kazakhstan. "Occupancy of the houses is not one hundred percent, but still high, despite the rain - happy leader recreation", says the head of “Elamanovka" Asem Nurmukhan. - Over time, we plan to open a health center. "

Within the framework of public-private partnerships in the region, activities for the development of infrastructure on the shores of the reservoir are carried out. In 2013, we made the overhaul of the road to the recreation center "Blue Bay" and the village of New Bukhtarma. Last year, the work on the roadway to the recreation centers continued. "Work is carried out at the expense of the owners of tourist bases, - said the akim of the village New Bukhtarma Zhanat Solmenbaeva. - It is planned to repair roads inside the village, which lead to the recreation centers. We have sponsorship money for this work. Funds from the budget have been allocated as well. This year we repaired more than 13 kilometers of roads".

This year in Zyryanovsk district began registration of hotels and recreation areas, which is necessary to create a unified electronic information database.

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