The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Foreign investors are interested in the potential of East Kazakhstan

- East-Kazakhstan Region
10912 просмотров

Within the framework of the international forum "Altai invest forum", the Director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Igor Shatsky presented to the participants the Regional Map of Business Development

According to him, the main task of the map - is definition of investment potential of the enterprises of an industrial complex in view of industrial specialization, the raw material orientation of regions, the availability of infrastructure and other factors.

Forum "Altai Invest-2016" started with an exhibition of products manufactured in the East Kazakhstan region, and project presentation.

The biggest and the most expected investment event in East Kazakhstan region was attended by hundreds of representatives of financial institutions, investors and representatives of the diplomatic corps. Representatives of Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, China, USA, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Russia, Poland, Tajikistan, Turkey have expressed their desire to study the potential of East Kazakhstan region.

More than 300 delegates from 14 countries took part in the plenary meeting, road shows and signing of memoranda.

"Currently, the special theme is to attract investment, as well as effective and efficient use of available resources by enterprises. In this regard, the greatest importance is the development of recommendations on formation of investment potential and development of the regional economy as a whole", - said Igor Shatsky in his speech at the roadshow.

370 projects were submitted for consideration from the whole country, of which 161 projects worth 460.9 billion tenge have been selected for analysis by the Agency for Investment Profitability Research (AIPR), of which 23 projects already interested particular investors.

Until the end of 2016 it is planned to publish on the portal 250 promising projects based on regional specialization and internal reserves.

The Map of East Kazakhstan region suggested 39 projects worth 105.1 billion tenge

By the condition on 20th of October 2016, the website of the map of regional development of EKR recommended 17 projects that have passed the full economic analysis and were approved by AIPR.

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