The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Honey from East Kazakhstan - to China

- East-Kazakhstan Region
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Beekeepers of Glubokovsk district are going to supply its products to China next year

LLP “Sun Bee Altay” has passed international certification and is ready to ship sweet goods to China. This facility is considered one of the most advanced in Kazakhstan. The production line for the packaging of honey was specially purchased in Denmark. The entire process is fully automated. Intelligent conveyor allows you to filter, to warm up and to pour the sweet goods in different containers. Glass, plastic and even birchbark containers are used for this purpose. And they also produce Old Believer’s mixes by unique recipes. By this technology, cranberries berries, blackberries and sea buckthorn is added in the honey. It is noteworthy that the product uses only natural products, no artificial preservatives, flavor enhancers, and other additives. This combination of nutrients stimulates and strengthens the immune system and revitalizes and rejuvenates the body.

"Certified system of quality control of production processes was introduced in our company, - shared the director of LLP “Sun Bee Altay” Igor Rukovitsyn. - All products also passed the compulsory examination at the regional branch of the national center of expertise and academy of nutrition of RK. We put the issues of quality not by chance. Honey for export should not contain residual amounts of pesticides or antibiotics. For example, in Japan they may reject the lot if they even detect an antibiotic in a proportion of 1 tablet per 70 tons".

Buyers for themselves already concluded - local honey does not become sugary for a long time and it has a very special taste and aroma. The company specialists explained that during the filling of containers they remove  all the unnecessary substances and crystals, and that such a product can be stored, to the delight of all the sweet tooth, for a very long time. This year, by the way, domestic product was tasted in the distant Hong Kong. The trial batch was shipped by railway, it reached the destination on time and was instantly sold out at the local market. In 2017, the team has set an ambitious goal - to conquer the Chinese market. And despite the fact that in China, there are thousands of honey apiaries. "We have three thousand bee families at our production, - says Igor Rukovitsyn. - This year we pumped 86 tons of honey. God himself commanded to go out with such volumes to the foreign market".

The fact that their products will win all the competitors, tarhantsy have no doubts. East Kazakhstan will also have enough supplies of sweet gold. Recently, they have begun to develop technology for the production of honey wine. It is likely that this new product after some time will also become a recognizable brand in the region.

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