The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The German experience for Kazakhstani enterprises

- East-Kazakhstan Region
5700 просмотров

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ, with the assistance of the regional chamber, the Education Department has conducted a number of meetings on the dual training
The result of the meetings was the discussion of the Kazakh-German project of dual training in two new qualifications on the basis of two colleges of Ust-Kamenogorsk multidisciplinary Technology College and Construction College of Ust-Kamenogorsk with the participation of representatives of the MES, NCE RK, enterprises.

Members of the round table were interested  in the experience of the college named after K. Nurgaliev, also Ust-Kamenogorsk polytechnic college, in cooperation with RCE of EKR, on the introduction of modular technology in a dual preparation, together with the social partners.

The roundtable discussed the regulatory framework of the implementation of the dual training in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the current situation on the implementation of the dual training in educational institutions of the East Kazakhstan region by an experimental mode. Representatives of the companies raised the issue of workplace organization for students, its pros and cons for the enterprise.

"At present, the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs noted that the work on the introduction of new qualifications goes in a slow mode, the final certification of students starts in June 2017, and the procedure of the proposed changes in the Qualifier of specialties of VET qualifications for new qualifications has tightened, which could affect employment of graduates", - says head of department of human capital Rosa Bisikenova.

Participants met with the trainees on the basis of production LLP AES Ust-Kamenogorsk Heat thermal plant, where children with their mentors have answered a number of questions.

Operations Director Nurlan Akhmetzhanov discussed a number of measures on training, which are held on the basis of the enterprise to improve the quality of training.

Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of NCE RK Lyazzat Shonaeva noted the importance of the inclusion of employers in the quality of training through an independent certification of students, the role and importance of certification centers created at the enterprises. However, the main welder of LLP Promtekhmontazh Kiril Filipov said that the mechanism of certification should improve further, and most important, is it recognition by employers.

In his speech, a senior consultant GIZ Representation Gёrtts Reiner noted that the region puts emphasis on the development of training and production documentation, training of IPR, development of mentoring system, improving the quality control of the training process.


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