The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Kazakhstani honey paradise

- East-Kazakhstan Region
14741 просмотров

Tarbagatai bees produce 50-60 tons of honey per year

At the exhibition of Kazakhstani commodity producers, each guest can find something interesting and useful for themselves. Honey is one of the most useful, and above all medicinal products.


For example, the beekeeper and at the same time the director of the peasant farm "Honey Paradise" from Ust-Kamenogorsk Vitaly Tyryshchkin is in this business for 17 years, but went to the market with his ecologically clean product in 2012. The assortment of "Honey Paradise" is quite large. They produce honey, pollen, propolis and exclusive honey soap. Moreover, Vitaliy supplies pre-school and school establishments, military structures with regional tarbagatai honey. According to the businessman, he produces approximately 50-60 tons of honey per year at the farm.

On the question of how many bees are needed for such productivity, the entrepreneur enthusiastically explained the following:

"We have the largest farm in Kazakhstan. We keep more than 1,000 bee colonies. We supply honey to the market of Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and Canada. For example, an amateur has 20-30 hive, a semi-professional beekeeper 100-150".

Now, we have an idea how large a farm is.

According to the entrepreneur, every year the demand for exports is growing. Foreign buyers are very interested in Kazakh honey. Although Honey Paradise participates in the Kazakhstani exhibition the first time, they have experience of participation in the exhibition in China.

In conclusion, Vitaly Tyryshchkin noted that he was very pleased with the promotion and implementation of the Kazakhstani brand, by organizing a major exhibition.

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