The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Realities require industrial training

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In recent years, significant measures have been taken to develop dual training, i.e. a regulatory framework has been created for the inclusion of business in the training process.

Thus, with the assistance of the Atameken NCE RK, the Law of RK "On Education" includes the terms "mentor", "industrial training", competencies of stakeholders (Ministry of Education, Local executive bodies, regional chambers of entrepreneurs) for the development of dual training, clarification that training time for industrial practice in educational programs is at least 60%, etc.

The concepts of dual training, dual training agreement and a new article "On dual training" have been introduced into the Labour Code (Article 119).

The Ministry, in conjunction with the Atameken NCE RK, has approved the rules for the organization of dual education.

The main planning document of the state in this direction is the Road Map for the introduction of the dual education system. It is implemented in 13 priority sectors, 99 specializations, and 152 qualifications. 2,513 enterprises participated in the Road Map and accepted the conditions for joint training of 26,342 students with 335 organizations providing technical and vocational education.

In total, 49,575 college students have participated in the dual form training since the foundation of the Atameken NCE RK. And the graduation only for the 2018-2019 academic year was 8,965 people.

The total number of graduates under the Road Map was 23,233 people. Employment measures within the framework of dual education are provided in the agreement on dual education as assistance in finding a job if there are vacant positions. The employment rate of 85 per cent, as opposed to 67 per cent for traditional training, indicates the effectiveness of the chosen form of training.

However, 2,513 enterprises as a percentage of the total number of business representatives in Kazakhstan represent only a small number.

According to Lyazzat Shonaeva, the Deputy Director of the Human Capital Development Department of the Chamber. one of the reasons is poor awareness of dual training among enterprises. The concept of human capital requires the formation of a culture of its understanding.

At the same time, she believes that organizations providing technical and vocational education do not recognize or attach sufficient importance to the practical component of training, which, accordingly, affects the insufficient allocation of time to industrial training. 

Dual learning enables both learning and working. The student receives theoretical knowledge in the organization of vocational education and at the same time applies it in practice in the enterprise. During the dual training, a training plan is drawn up, according to which a special schedule is drawn up, specifying on which days the trainee learns and which days he or she works in the company where the training takes place on the job.

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