The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Atameken developed algorithm for promoting the products of domestic manufacturers 

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The Atameken NCE RK has developed a special algorithm and sent it to the regional chambers to maximize business coverage and systematize the promotion of Kazakh goods throughout the country in June this year. 

The given step-by-step instruction provides a gathering of conditions of trading objects, updating of registers of domestic commodity producers, organization of B2B meetings, reception of preferential conditions, standardization of goods, assistance in conclusion of contracts of rent/delivery.

The intermediate results of work:

Databases of 4,700 domestic manufacturers and 2,428 retail facilities were updated (shopping and entertainment centres - 82, shopping malls - 985, markets - 593, retail chains - 260, distribution companies - 508).

Received data on lease terms of 1,040 retail facilities were sent to more than 4,000 manufacturers and placed on the website. The issue of posting information on the Atameken Services portal is under consideration. 

The regional chambers organized 552 B2B meetings, negotiated preferential rental terms, requirements to the products supplied, quality, volumes, and packaging of goods.

We assisted 532 domestic commodity manufacturers in concluding lease/delivery agreements.

More than 60 domestic manufacturers took part in fairs of school uniform manufacturers, which were organized on the territory of large shopping malls and markets of 7 regions. 

The following problematic issues have been identified:

  1. The domestic commodity manufacturers lose competition in the price segment as compared to foreign producers;
  2. The trade objects are often not interested in support of domestic commodity producers (no demand for the goods, no brand recognition, price-quality);
  3. There is a mismatch between shopping malls and retail chains;
  4. The reluctance of local producers to be flexible and adjust to the requirements of modern retail facilities;
  5. Lack of marketing promotion and competence to establish a sales system (branding) of goods.

Implemented activities:

- Proposals have been made to SPIID-3, "Dissemination of the principle of extraterritoriality of benefits and preferences of the Ontustik Special economic zone to light industry enterprises;

- proposals have been made to the Business Roadmap-2025 project to subsidize the interest rate on loans for retail facilities engaged in retail sales of domestically produced goods and reimburse the lease costs of trade shelves and advertising.


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