The national chamber of entrepreneurs


How state of emergency will be implemented in Kazakhstan? (updated as information is available)

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The Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has collected information available on how the state of emergency will impact on people of Kazakhstan, especially on business.

Remind that President of Kazakhstan introduces a state of emergency throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period from 08:00 a.m. of March 16, 2020, until 07:00 a.m. of April 15, 2020.

For reference:

Subparagraph 5) of Article 1 of the Law of RK "On the state of emergency", the state of emergency is a temporary measure applied exclusively in interests of the safety of citizens and protection of constitutional system of RK and represents a special legal mode of activity of state bodies, the organizations, allowing the establishment of separate restrictions of the rights and freedom of citizens, foreigners, and persons without citizenship, and also the rights of legal entities and assigning to them additional duties.

The introduced measures will affect the work of business in Kazakhstan. The points of the state of emergency that impact on entrepreneurs.

1)   limiting the functioning of large objects of trade;

The object of trade is considered large, if the trading area - not less than 2,000 square meters (subparagraph 53) of Article 1 of the Law of RK "On Regulation of Trade Activities").

The Ministry of Trade and Integration of Kazakhstan reported that in the conditions of emergency food markets and markets will continue their work, the work of large trade objects is limited, the activities of shopping and entertainment centers with large crowds of people are suspended. There is also a restriction on the functioning of large trading facilities from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with the strengthening of sanitary security measures. Cinemas, children's centres, and any other entertainment areas must be closed at the shopping centres.

The work from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. is restricted in non-food markets with the strengthening of sanitary and disinfection measures. The sale of bakery and confectionery products is carried out only in packages.

At the same time, small shops, both grocery and non-food, as well as other retail facilities of SMEs located outside the shopping malls, will operate at the owners' wish.

Important! Control and supervision bodies in the state of the emergency regime have the right to unscheduled inspections of business entities without notice.

For reference.

Under paragraph 6 of Article 144 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the RK, in cases of occurrence or threat of epidemic spread, centers of quarantine facilities and especially dangerous pests, infectious, parasitic diseases, poisoning, radiation accidents, unscheduled inspection of facilities is conducted without prior notification of the audited entity and registration of the act of appointment of the inspection with its subsequent submission within the next working day to the authorized body on legal statistics and special training.

2) suspending the activities of shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, theaters, exhibitions and other facilities with mass crowds of people.

What is an object with massive crowds of people? It is a building, structure, premises of trade, public catering, consumer services, fitness, sports, cultural and entertainment organizations, entertainment facilities, stations of all types of transport, religious buildings.

Besides, such objects include organizations of public health services, education, the hotels calculated on simultaneous stay of twenty-five and more persons (subparagraph 5) of Article 1 of the Law RK "On civil protection").

3)   prohibiting the holding of spectacular, sports and other public events, as well as family, commemorative events;

What events are prohibited for the period of the emergency regime? Spectacular cultural and mass events are spiritual, cultural and mass events designed for a one-time stay of a large number of people.

Sports and mass events held in sports facilities and objects, as well as in open areas (including mass races) (subparagraph 40-1) of the Law "On Physical Culture and Sports") are also restricted.

On this item we expect more detailed comments, we believe that any mass meetings are a risk of virus spread, and therefore it is better to cancel them and avoid participation in such meetings.

4)   establishing restrictions on entry into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as on exit from its territory by all means of transport.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan explained that restrictions on an entry will not affect Kazakhstanis who are abroad. Entry into the Republic is closed to foreigners and stateless persons.

In connection with paragraph 3.6 of Decree 285 on the introduction of a state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan, restrictions have been imposed on entry into and exit from the territory of Kazakhstan by all means of transport.

Passenger transportation

At the same time, it is prohibited to transport passengers in non-regular buses and minibusses that go back and forth.

2) Limit the number of regular bus routes. 

3) The transit of regular and non-regular bus routes is suspended.

Cargo Transportation

4. The transportation of goods in international road transport should comply with quarantine and health and epidemiological standards.

At the same time, for foreign road transport vehicles, it is allowed to replace a tractor by Kazakhstan transport or change the driver for a citizen of Kazakhstan in places determined by the sanitary and customs services.

5. Transit transport by road shall be accompanied by law enforcement and/or sanitary and epidemiological services.

6. Border, customs and sanitary-epidemiological services shall identify road checkpoints for trucks travelling in transit directions for further escort through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Atameken NCE RK calls on the country's entrepreneurs to avoid panic and observe security measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus. The National Chamber is gathering all the problems faced by businesses to work with the Government to develop the most effective measures that will help minimize damage.

We would like to remind you that we continue our questionnaire survey of entrepreneurs here and, please call 1432.

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