The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Success criteria from Kristina Kuznetsova

- East-Kazakhstan Region
10620 просмотров

In Ust-Kamenogorsk were summed up the results of the competition "The Best Entrepreneur of the Year in the sphere of small business" and winners were awarded in 7 nominations

So, in the nomination "The best enterprise in the service sector," the winner of the competition was a business woman of the new formation Kristina Kuznetsova.

Kristina Kuznetsova – is a modern, beautiful and successful businesswoman, owner of luxury-class beauty salon “Why not”, the employees of which every day confirm the title of the best in the business.

From the first day of the beauty parlor the leadership focuses on the use of the latest technologies of hairdresser's art – a wide range of services, many of which are new to the city.

- Kristina, congratulations on winning the competition "The Best Entrepreneur of the Year in the sphere of small business" and tell us about your impressions.

- The contest "Best Entrepreneur" motivates business to achieve better results, showing how the business is involved in the development of the region. It was a complete surprise that I became the winner of this competition. This confirms that I am going in the right direction. And whatever difficulties come across my way, I succeeded through hard work and belief in myself. Proof of this is the result of this competition.

- How do you feel as a successful businesswoman? Did you use all your potential, or there is still a need for further growth?

- What I have achieved, I do not think it’s the limit. I feel that I'm somewhere in the middle of the road. Besides, I'm a very ambitious person: if I set a goal, I like to achieve it. I like the process itself. Although difficulties occasionally occur, but ... that does not kill us makes us stronger!

- Do you have any special criteria for doing business?

- Of course, a lot of them: in relation to customers, suppliers, competitors, personnel, law. For example, I never do something that is not in my long-term interests; I never do things that contradict the law. I am always honest in communication with employees, I listen to their opinion. I never treat my staff and customers the way I don’t like to be treated myself. I always provide to the customers the highest quality services in accordance with their requirements. And since we provide services, the most important thing is the customer is always right!

- Does business interfere with the personal life?

- I believe that it is not good to dedicate all the time to work. The most important thing - is to keep a balance, otherwise there is a risk to remain without friends, family, husband. Which man will like to see you just a couple of hours a day sitting at a computer, or playing with your phone? I know that I did not yet fulfill my main purpose - to become a mother, but when it happens, I will make a choice in favor of the family without hesitation. Although, in my opinion, personal life and successful career is not an unreal phenomenon, it is quite real to combine both. For women, there is nothing impossible.

- How do you start your morning usually?

- I love to sleep, waking up early is still a problem for me. Of course, I wake up with an alarm clock, but my mind wakes up only after the morning coffee. However, there are days when you do not have time to drink a cup of coffee, and then I take it with me. Then - make-up, hair styling, etc. A business woman is always in public - she can’t afford to look bad. On the way to work, I usually do a lot of calls, and, of course, all of this - in the company of my favorite radio.

- Tell us about your hobbies.

- I have many passions. For example, I collect vintage china for many years -.. not figurines, but dining sets, coffee and tea cups, tureens, etc. I bring some from other countries, I order some from the internet, but in most of the cases, my friends gift them to me, knowing my passion. I love electronic music. Long time ago I bought a DJ-equipment and I do not regret it, I play it sometimes for my closest circle. And of outdoor activities I prefer snowboarding, horseback riding, traveling. But, unfortunately, it's in season and, as a rule, I have no time.

- What can you advise budding entrepreneurs? Maybe some encouraging words?

- The most important thing - it is to set a goal and go for it without fear or regret, not to listen to anyone. Any obstruction is just an excuse to become stronger. In fact, women are powerful beings, but not all believe in it.

Faina Ranevskaya once said: "A woman – is not weak, rotten wood is weak”, and I completely agree with it. Be bold!

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