The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Made in East Kazakhstan

- East-Kazakhstan Region
9870 просмотров

In Ust-Kamenogorsk were selected the winners of the contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan-2016"

Only this year alone, about twenty new companies appeared in the East Kazakhstan. Products of some of them have already been presented at the exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan-2016".

The exhibition of the best products is held annually in the country. This year in East Kazakhstan, more than 60 companies have applied to participate. At the competition you can see industrial goods, food products for the population. All of them were evaluated by the expert committee.

"The goal of our contest – is to raise the status of producers, to promote domestic products, - said the director of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Igor Shatsky. -  Of course, there are issues related to the cost of production, but we are competitive in quality. The potential of East Kazakhstan in agriculture is particularly high. Today, we offer natural products".

According to the results of the regional round of the competition-exhibition, the winners were selected in three categories.

Products of LLP "Terra Vita" won the third place in the category "Best industrial goods". The company is engaged in production of medical furniture and equipment. LLP “Oils and lubricants Kazakhstan" is one of three major manufacturers of lubricants in the country and the only one in East Kazakhstan. Its products are characterized by high percentage of local content (93 percent) and good quality. This year, the company became the the winner, taking the second place. LLP “Adekom PromMash” took the first place. It produces industrial equipment for compressed air. Despite the difficult situation in the global economy, the company is moving forward, expanding the number of workers, increasing the output. Audience Award in the competition won LLP "Vostok-Universal". The company is a leader in the production of thermal insulation materials in Kazakhstan.

Individual entrepreneurs won in the nomination "The best goods for the population". Ertay Sarsenov took the first place. He is engaged in manufacturing of silver jewelry. Lyudmila Nikonova took the second place. She knits clothes for children. IE "Musabalina" took the third place. The company makes outerwear. The Audience Award went to Zhanna Zhabekova from Kokpekty district. She sews stuffed toys based on favorite cartoons. Despite the fact that Zhanna is disabled, her works are in demand even abroad. Master receives orders from other countries on the internet.

The best food products produces LLP "East-milk", LLP "Priirtyshskaya Broiler Poultry Factory" and confectionery of LLP "PKF" Shahan Ata". Audience Award went to LLP "Shemonaikhinski flour mill".

The winners of the regional round of the competition and exhibition will represent the region at the national stage.

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