The national chamber of entrepreneurs


What news in the main quality competition?

- Pavlodar Region
7272 просмотров

A call for applications for the most prestigious competition of “AltynSapa” and “the best product of Kazakhstan” was opened.

Traditionally the best manufacturers approve here their high status, demonstrate modern quality management achievements. This year competitions have been changed. The head of the department for projects supporting of the regional chamber of entrepreneurs Murat Kabylbekov told us about the terms of the contest and also what improvements there will be.

-Murat Kizatovich, I think that every entrepreneur will be interested to know about the competitions and who can participate in them?

-Modern economy tendencies need a lot of new requirements for the quality of issued production. Each entrepreneur understands that the survival and competitiveness of the company depend on how the company’s system of quality management operates.

Moreover our country became a part of WTO, a member of EEU which also means commitments to the quality and competitiveness increasing.

That is why the aim of these projects is to support local manufacturer and to stimulate him to increase the quality of goods and services and to help to develop the brand of local manufacturers.

In accordance with the Presidential Decree such competitions as “AltynSapa” and “The best product of Kazakhstan” will be held annually.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities which provide services and make goods compete here with each other.

Especially I would like to note that the most advanced companies of our region compete with each other for the rank of the best manufacturer annually. We have some companies that we are proud of. They contribute in the provision of high quality and competitive production at the market.

-As it was said earlier, this year the competitions have several changes. Tell us what should the participants expect?

-Yes, you are right. Beginning this year there will be a new nomination in “AltynSapa” competition. Agriculture and food production participants will also participate.

There are 4 nominations: “The best production purposes company”, “the best company supplying production for population”, “The best company providing services”, “The best company that makes food commodities and agricultural production”. The awards will be given by categories: small, medium-sized and large entities of entrepreneurship. Besides there are 2 special awards “The best industrial project” and “The best innovation project”.

-Could you tell us what changes will be in the competition of “the best product of Kazakhstan”?

- The contest-exhibition has also undergone changes. In particular, there is no winner’s division by categories. There had been winners of the first second and third categories before, now there will be just 3 winners in each nomination.

There will be 9 winners who will send their documents to compete at republic level.

Companies interested in participating in “Altyn Sapa” contest or in the contest-exhibition of “The best goods of Kazakhstan” should apply to the regional chamber of entrepreneurs.

Phone number: 660311( internal number 5552)

-Murat Kizatovich, thank you for the conversation and let’s wish the participants succes.

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