The national chamber of entrepreneurs


In Borodino a peasant farm will increase the number of cows twice

- East-Kazakhstan Region
13033 просмотров

Reconstruction of the dairy farm will create 25 new jobs

80 people work today at the farm "Borodino" in Zyryanovsk district of East Kazakhstan region. After the reconstruction of the dairy farm, which will open in October this year, the number of dairy cows will increase from 320 to 600 heads. The introduction of modern technologies will allow eight milkmaids to control four hundred cows. In addition to the dairy farm here will be a calf shed and shelter for the young. All this will enable to create up to 25 new jobs and increase employment.

To upgrade the farm the head of "Borodino" Kairat Bukezhanov needed 140 million tenge. He has invested his own funds to reconstruction of the dairy farm. The head of the peasant farm looks for young families, which will work on the new site. In addition, the farm needs another veterinarian.

"Every day we get 4 tons of milk. After increasing population, this figure will increase to 10 tons. We sell our products to the branch of LLP "East-milk"",- says Bukezhanov.

In addition to the introduction of innovations in the development of his farm, Kairat Bukezhanov seeks to improve the standard of living of the whole village. So, in the difficult years of perestroika, he took care of the building of rural culture center and kept it.

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